Letters To Peanut

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Random Thoughts.....

Dear Peanut,

As always since the day I found out you were on the way I find my thoughts jumping frm place to place. I wonder who you will be, I wonder what you will look like... will you have daddy's cute nose, will you have my turned up chin. The time is going by so fast and yet it is standing still. I can't wait to see you and to hold you in my arms and yet I am savoring every moment I am pregnant and am still amazed on a daily basis that you are in me and the changes that my body is going through to support your life... and that my dear litte one I wouldn't change for the world.

The hormones are not the most fun thing in the world... poor daddy. In the last few days I have discovered what the books mean about irrational tears lol. I can be so so happy and having such a super day and then I am crying. The emotions can be so overwhelming at times. But your daddy well he is simply amazing and helps me through everytime and gets my smile back. The tears come from sheer joy too... I still get teary when I think about the day I learned of you :)

I was walking to work yesterday and had so many thoughts of your Granny. I wonder what she would be thinking. I know she would be thrilled just as she was when all your cousins came in to this world... but somehow I wonder if it might be a little bittersweet for her because I was her baby. I wish she was here to share all these moments with me, I wish it was her I could call when I have questions... but in her place we have your Nana ( your auntie Lynne really but she has earned the nana title :) ) and she has been and will be all the things I miss about not having Granny here. I wonder about Grandpa to and what he would be thinking. I know they are looking over us and will be your very own special guardian angels. I think about your other grandma and grandpa.... I so wish I could have met them and I wish they were still here to meet you too. And even though they are not here they have given me the most precious gift... they raised your daddy to be such an amazing man !

Daddy is a very happy camper this last few days because my tummy is finally settling down and it seems you have decided to let me enjoy meat again lol. I discovered this week that you really hate boiled perogies and rudely interuppted my bath to make sure I only fry them from now on ... but oh well I guess I can let you be a picky eater... for now that is. Chocolate milk seems to be the only thing I am really craving at this point... I swear if I was allowed to I could drink 4 litres a day lol. Otherwise I am still eating all your favorites and experimenting with the stuff you didn't like that I am missing lol

I have been talking to you lots and have even begun to sing to you.... I wonder if you will recognize the songs when I sing them to you as I rock you to sleep at tnight in the months down the road. It was funny at work yesterday... I was sitting singing very quietly to you and one of my clients caught me... he came and sat and listened and rubbed my tummy at one point ( I think because I was)... had such big smiles and when I was done he went off to do his own thing. It was neat to see his reaction. I am curious how my two guys at work will do once you are here... I look forward to introducing them to you.

I am counting down the days to our ultasound. I can't wait to get a little glimps of you... maybe I'll get a sneak preview of whose nose you will have! I am even more excited to learn how big you are and when you are supposed to be joining us... we have a prety good idea and the way mommy feels goes with that same timeline... only 12 more days! We have decided to not find out if you are Dorie or Grant.... we want to wait till the moment you enter this world to get the answer to that question... till then you will remain peanut:)

All my love,



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